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- on startMovie
- global happened
- set happened to EMPTY
- end
- on mainButton
- global mouseUpped, leftNavBtn, whichJump
- if not (the mouseDown) then
- set mouseUpped to 1
- end if
- if rollOver(26) then
- if the mouseDown then
- if mouseUpped = 1 then
- puppetSprite(26, 1)
- puppetSound(1, member 3 of castLib "internal sounds")
- cursorSign()
- set the member of sprite 26 to member (the memberNum of sprite 26 + 1) of castLib "graphics"
- updateStage()
- sixthSecDel()
- set the member of sprite 26 to member (the memberNum of sprite 26 - 1) of castLib "graphics"
- updateStage()
- set mouseUpped to 0
- repeat with a = 1 to 48
- puppetSprite(a, 0)
- end repeat
- go("blackout")
- go("main", "main.dir")
- abort()
- end if
- end if
- puppetSprite(46, 1)
- set the member of sprite 46 to member the memberNum of member "main menu" of castLib "graphics"
- set the locH of sprite 46 to 14
- updateStage()
- else
- set the locH of sprite 46 to -100
- puppetSprite(46, 0)
- end if
- end
- on cursorSign
- cursor([member 9 of castLib "cursors", member 10 of castLib "cursors"])
- end
- on cursorSignOff
- cursor(0)
- end
- on tenthSecDel
- startTimer()
- repeat while the timer < 6
- nothing()
- end repeat
- end
- on sixthSecDel
- startTimer()
- repeat while the timer < 10
- nothing()
- end repeat
- end
- on thirdSecDel
- startTimer()
- repeat while the timer < 20
- nothing()
- end repeat
- end
- on halfSecDel
- startTimer()
- repeat while the timer < 30
- nothing()
- end repeat
- end
- on oneSecDel
- startTimer()
- repeat while the timer < 60
- nothing()
- end repeat
- end
- on scrollingFrames
- if the mouseDown then
- if rollOver(14) then
- puppetSprite(14, 1)
- cursorSign()
- set the member of sprite 14 to member (the memberNum of sprite 14 + 1) of castLib "graphics"
- puppetSound("STEP")
- updateStage()
- sixthSecDel()
- set the member of sprite 14 to member (the memberNum of sprite 14 - 1) of castLib "graphics"
- updateStage()
- puppetSprite(14, 0)
- go(the frame - 1)
- end if
- if rollOver(15) then
- puppetSprite(15, 1)
- cursorSign()
- set the member of sprite 15 to member (the memberNum of sprite 15 + 1) of castLib "graphics"
- puppetSound("STEP")
- updateStage()
- sixthSecDel()
- set the member of sprite 15 to member (the memberNum of sprite 15 - 1) of castLib "graphics"
- updateStage()
- puppetSprite(15, 0)
- go(the frame + 1)
- end if
- else
- cursor(0)
- nothing()
- end if
- end
- on ReturnToMain
- global happened
- if the key = "o" then
- if happened = EMPTY then
- puppetSprite(48, 1)
- puppetSound("CRASH")
- set the locV of sprite 48 to -400
- repeat while the locV of sprite 48 < 300
- set the locV of sprite 48 to the locV of sprite 48 + 5
- updateStage()
- end repeat
- startTimer()
- repeat while the timer < 120
- if the mouseDown then
- exit repeat
- end if
- nothing()
- end repeat
- puppetSound("PUNCH")
- set the member of sprite 48 to member (the memberNum of sprite 48 + 1) of castLib "graphics"
- updateStage()
- startTimer()
- repeat while the timer < 400
- if the mouseDown then
- exit repeat
- end if
- nothing()
- end repeat
- puppetSound("OLOF")
- repeat while the locH of sprite 48 < 850
- set the locH of sprite 48 to the locH of sprite 48 + 15
- updateStage()
- end repeat
- set happened to 1
- else
- nothing()
- updateStage()
- puppetSprite(48, 0)
- end if
- end if
- end